Sunday, November 15, 2015

the heart

 From the very first second you stop running and your heart rate is faster then your thoughts, and for one second in time everything is clear. I am a strong believer that everyone's heart is different and mine , well it really likes to beat fast.
I've always been a quick person. Quick to learn, think, and say things. My Mom always told me to slow down. But my heart knows what it wants and it doesn't slow down for anyone or any thing. Un till the night I met him.
He taught me to stop and smell the roses. To enjoy the slow longboarding ride downs the canyon. The moment's right before the first kiss when the heart beats faster then it ever has before and the butterfly's in your stomach start going crazy.
When I was with him I didn't know a heart could beat so slow and calm. And after he would leave my heart beat faster then I could imagine. He is the reason my heart actually feels things now, and for that I am grateful yet wishing I still didn't feel anything at all.


  1. "I am a strong believer that everyone's heart is different and mine , well it really likes to beat fast." #stolen

  2. "From the very first second you stop running and your heart rate is faster then your thoughts"

  3. "He's the reason my heart actually feels things now, and for that I am grateful yet wishing I still didn't feel anything at all."
